
Our dental seminars are for dentists, dental hygienists, dental assistants and dental office staff who need Continuing Education (CE) Units. We offer a wide variety of dental seminars focused on providing top notch professional speakers to the West Michigan area. These seminars are authorized for CEUs by the Michigan Board of Dentistry #299180056. We provide LOCAL CE events for the convenience of W. Michigan dental professionals and are open to all dental professionals.


Dental Seminars and Consulting has been offering dental seminars in Muskegon since 2002, when they were offered by the Muskegon County Health Department by Jackie (Balcom) Lindrup, then the Dental Coordinator.  Since retiring, Jackie has continued to offer dental seminars through Dental Seminars and Consulting PLLC.


The seminars are held in Muskegon at the Muskegon Innovation Hub, 200 Viridian Dr, Muskegon, MI 49440 on Muskegon Lake.  (Map)